Saturday, May 17, 2014

Practicing Safe Stress

Today, the lady, who brought the wheelchair van by for us to look at, told me that with my stressors, I needed a spa treatment.  Oh, no said I...I need to make potholders!!!!!  Getting behind that sewing machine...vroom....I am a much better me.

I thought that my days of making presents for teachers were over...not!! 
 That's OK...
I am living my life, one potholder at a time:)


Sharon said...

I love your potholders! They look like fun sewing. And I agree, sewing is a much better stress reliever than a spa treatment!

p.s. LOVE the title of your post today - LOL!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Your pot holders do have magic powers so I agee that pot holder therapy will be doing you wonders!

smazoochie said...

I'm glad you are finding a bit if me-time.
Maybe pot holders & a massage?