Sunday, December 4, 2016

My Lovely Vacation, et. al.

Just go ahead!!  Judge my grief growth by the potholders I make!
Tonight's was one for a Christmas party at the house of a widow friend from our group.
She is a nurse...Check out the back!!
The wonderful pincushion is a gift for Lynsey from Christine's daughter.
Lynsey just gave it a big ol' cupcake hug.
She loved it.
Today she said wisely....Hmm
Grandma, because I cannot sew by myself yet, could I take the pincushion to my room?
My dolly really loves cupcakes and I would like her to have it for awhile!!

Here we go again..another roller coaster ride...this time it is the Santa,holiday trip.
Who knew that year two as a widow would be harder than year one??
Especially at the holidays....
Where did he go?  He would not have left me on purpose!!
My Johnny did not come home from the war, this year either.
Everyone else's Johnny did.
Who knew that when my mother died, it would be forever?
Who knew that the disease of addiction and that of instability
would steal my son and my brother?
Leaving me last man standing.....

Who knew that a no-debt lifestyle would ensure the safety and comfort 
of me and my three young grands.? Instead of retirement.....
Who knew that raising three young grandchildren would be so expensive?
I went to a Christmas party tonight that I did not want to go to.
In spite of myself, It lifted me up.
The minute I returned to an empty house, I crashed.

Who knew that the grands could help me with our computers?
Who knew that they would go get my socks and put them on my arthritic feet?
Who knew that they would  thrive in school?
Who knew that Aunt Emily and Uncle Brian would be such a help?
Who knew that Stephanie would be an angel for us?

I cannot go on vacation or get a week break unless, of course, I have a joint replaced...Oh, my.
So, this weekend I hired Stephanie, so I could sleep...A great vacation for me!!!!!
I stayed in my quiet and soft and lovely bed until 2:45 today...hmmmmm
Who needs Paris?
Tomorrow I plan the same trip!!
Wahoo...!!, says the tired old Grandma!!


Rachaeldaisy said...

Hugs to you Diane. How sweet of Lynsay to want the cupcake for her doll.

ES said...

Sleeping! I'd love to do the same!!! My son is getting worse and worse with his sleep!