Friendship is one of life's special bonuses..
From across the miles, Michele spots the metaphor.
When I posted that I tried to make pretty out of ugly..
she likened that to life. So astute, my friend
The above process on the design wall..is just that.
Lynsey is folding my fabric.
Here, you see her practicing her rising middle school attitude.
She does not want her picture taken.
In case you are interested, the O'Quilts family has toilet paper.
What we do not have is dish washing soap.
Our dishwasher has been broken for a month
Had to order soap online yesterday....$22...for two large bottles...
Poor house, here we come.
Made myself get out of bed today at 11, instead of one. I did not want to...the cozy sheets, the cats cuddling, the windows open in my upstairs bedroom bringing in the merry little breezes..
Big girl got up!
My cane and I walked to the end of my street. L and D came with me...
Come on Grandma...you only have to walk halfway..
Good Grandma.. now soon we will be at the end of the street.
My joints were killing me when I got home.
I realized that no pool exercise for 6 weeks had taken its toll.
Roles have reversed...When we returned to the house, they clapped!!
Good job Grandma!!!
Boo...is the only family member who does not talk back to me..
Here he is keeping me company while I read.
I have moved recipes lower on the cabinet doors.to encourage independence.
They made banana bread today...
More random pieces now sewn into the beginning of a child's outreach quilt.
OH, um...cough...
We had thought it was a rabbit...some big black rabbit.
In front of my eyes, dear old Zoe ate the tops right off the plants..
Grandma here, has no control over anyone/thing..
I am sure I am not the only caregiver who is going crazy now
No break from the children.
Children stressed too.
Zoe stressed??
I want to run away from home for awhile...
I have no where to go.
I am 42..I should be able to do anything.
Alas, if you find out that I am really 72..Will you still be my friend?
Rather, will I still be my friend??
Favorite candy bar...saving the
Novant Health released this chart yesterday. Scares me to death

Aww. The grandkids love you! Keeping yougoing. Taught junior high for 12 years before high school, and saw so many parents and grandparents dealing with dippy boys and cranky girls. We are somewhat stir crazy here. Lucky to have space to be by ourselves outdoors, which is key to my mental well being. Hang in there BTW, there is a cow picture on Insta.
I saw your title and laughed out loud! I thought..hmm, she means me and the kids. Then, there was my linking name. Hahahahaha. I had to laugh again. Then i read you said you were 42 and barely time to run to the loo! Too much laughing over here 🤣
PS i copied your little graphic at the end. The little gray haired grannies--America's most dangerous criminals. Run! We've being thrown under the bus again!
Oh good for Lynsey helping out with the fabric, how pleased you will be when you have neat piles of green ready for new quilts. Happy to read you're out walking and yes, it is hard to make the start, I know because I made the decision to walk around the block two days ago and at one point I seriously wondered whether I would make it home, but I did! Informed husband I was doing this every alternate day but joints so bad I shall miss today out!!! Naughty Zoe for eating your plants!
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