My UFOs are DONE.... all but one.
Tomorrow I promise myself that that one will be finished too.
Then I can get back to designing.
This quilt was all random scraps...It stewed on the design board forever it seems.
Below you can see bicycle prints from my son's boxer pants at least 15 years ago...and the turquoise hibiscus flower is from Mae's discount fabric outlet in defunct ...
I had made it into a skirt for my daughter in first grade...Now she is 37.
My son just loves this quilt. I am it is his..
I was able to find joy in quilting only because I used the "wiggle" stitch...#99 on my Janome 8900
I am a terrible free motion quilter...
The quilt I have left for last needs this free motion quilting.
It is just a wall it should be manageable .
The yellow dancers is one of my favorite fabrics of all time.
Unfortunately all I can think of is that I put it twice in a seasonal boat quilt
I had made for Muggs...And, I had prided myself on not using any fabric twice. 4.5 x 4 inch random scraps from a bin at Foust for $1.
I have probably had these for 5 years....So happy to have used them.
Borders do make the quilt.
And a quilt is not a quilt until it is quilted.
I am quite thrilled with my finishes..
I had been putting them off and off and off because
quilting is my least favorite part of all this.
Thank you mucho Covid 19...Well not really...but...
Nature calms me. Sitting on our back husband's favorite spot,
I found of nature...
It could be a symbol of the virus.
But, I choose to look at it as beautiful art.
Tonight I am going to bed at midnight instead of one or two or three am.
Stay tuned as to how that works..
Help needed.
Yesterday I received a comment on my blog in Arabic. I cannot read it
and I cannot figure out how to translate it.
I do not know if it is spam or someone's comment.
If this is you...will you let me know.?
Maybe someone can help me
If this is you...will you let me know.?
Maybe someone can help me
Did anyone else get this? Can you help me figure it out?
I love both of your finished quilts but most especially the first one. The colors you chose look gorgeous together!
And the leaf -- wow! Mother Nature sure knows how to make beauty.
As for the translation: copy the Arabic, then open Google Translate and paste the Arabic into the box on the left. The translation should appear in the box on the right. I had a comment like this the other day and it turned out to be spam.
A beautiful post, Diane. So happy you are getting your UFO's finished. That's pretty awesome. I still have a LOT of Ufos but keep starting new projects, too! What a special meaningful scrap quilt for your son- lovely. And hooray for getting them quilted yourself. No time like the present to try new skills. Lots of time.
All of the Arabic comments are spam. I sometimes have as many as 7 a day 2 or 3 days in one week and then a month or more goes by before they do it again. I go into my dashboard and delete them forever.
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