Saturday, May 7, 2022

Peace in My Day

Our Aoife in Ireland, checking out the land.
and hanging with her Irish kinfolk...
Aoife Dineen and Abby Dineen, cousins just a few months apart!
Some people go to Ireland and the beach and Iowa and everywhere.
I go to Zoom and my sewing room and am oh, so happy with the peace it brings me!!

Messing around here with my 16 patch blocks.  There is nothing like starting twenty new quilts when I have millions of tops all done waiting for quilting.  Now is the time for a long arm,  unfortunately that would not be for me without my man.  He was  the guy to figure things out!!  Plus I have no room... One day I might wake up and start quilting on the great machine I do have!!  Too bad our quilting groups are not yet meeting in person . It is so much more fun  to quilt with other quilting friends.

My sister came by today to help me organize.  She is certainly good at that!!  She took some of my mother's things and some of my dearly beloved items  to enjoy as I try to simplify

Tomorrow will be another day of peace as I sit outside  going thru my old quilting books.
Maybe I will start randomly sewing scraps together...or maybe not. 
 Nice to feel relaxed

This is ALS awareness month.  ALS is a thief of money and peace of life.
A disease of torture and paralysis of all muscles...Your legs,  your arms, your lungs, your throat, your everything but  usually not your brain.  In 150 years there are no cures and no one knows why it exists.
ALS is a fatal disease, each day being worse than the day before.  There is never hope
Ice water is good for donations and awareness, but nothing seems to ever be enough.
I pray for a cure.

Life is so unfair.  I miss him so much. xo

 What is this with "Be Back Shortly"  So annoying for Bloglovin to keep me from my favorite quilting blogs.!!!!


Charlotte M. said...

I don't know why there seems to be no progress with a cure for this disease. I would think by now there would be. So sorry for your loss and your sorrow. Bloglovin' has been having problems for a couple of weeks now. It seldom works. I found your blog while it was out, by looking at blogs I found on sidebars of blogs I go to without bloglovin'. Have a happy mother's day. Gonna be a wee chilly. I am right up the way from you in Mebane.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Starting a new quilt is a necessity. I have a lot of quilt tops too but it won't stop me from some new fun. I have a bad case of indecision as I am cleaning off table tops and stacks of fabric. But, my sanity is in the new quilts I start.