Monday, December 26, 2022

Woe is Me.....I Have a Mess Everywhere

Peace on my bookshelf with my dear man  watching. I so love that he is with me. A mess, he says....nothing new, he loved me anyway.

My Pakistani lamp made from the camel's stomach. Amaryllis in wax from my girl for my birthday.  I have never seen it like this before.  A Trader Joe's special.

And, now the truth...75 years old, but nothing changes.

MESS!!! 8 Bowl cozies not finished, potholder scraps all over, fabric cut for tissues, but not done; fabric snips on the floor, threads all over Grandma...I tried to get my family to come help me organize...but, oh, sister has been here before and feels she is wasting her time. My daughter is in Portland, she is neater.  Only Lynsey, dear Lynsey said....Grandma, get me a fake license and a key to a car and I will come right over.  She has great organizing skills, but is only 13.

My daughter had left a nice box wrapped on the counter for Christmas for me.
Today I opened it.  She had given me all the fabric she thought she would never use.  The box was overflowing..Where to put it????? All this lovely Denyse Schmidt....Oh, my heart.

She included my favorite chocolate:  Tony's with almond bits....from Portland.

Wednesday is my sister's bday, Thursday the cleaning lady comes, but she cannot organize. Friday, 3  friends in my tiny apt to sew....What to do?????  Eat chocolate, get fatter and drink wine.
At least I went to the pool today....My first day back since Covid!!!

Life is still good and I am still happy.....a freaking miracle if you ask me...


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Sewing always makes a mess, don't fret over it. Just go through it and see what you don't need for the current project and put that away. The rest you need until your cutting is done.
What a nice gift from your daughter. I have never heard of that brand of chocolate bars.
I have had the waxed Amaryllis twice and they are fun to watch grow and no watering. I'll be watching to see what color the flowers are.

Linda Swanekamp said...

I am a messy worker, fabric shrapnel everywhere. I clean up but then after working, back to mess. I just confine my mess to my work space- everything else is neat. I would be working on something than sitting with everything in order. Just work on one area at a time. Take a box, put everything in it in one area. Later, sort through the box and categorize, put away, do another box load.