Friday, June 7, 2024

Grandma O'Quilts is So Joyful

 OMG  Joy is a new set of IKEA shelves in my bedroom.  More joy is my friend Sherry to assemble them.

Old bureaus from my growing up years...My mother's bedroom 65 years ago..rickety but still usable.
I need so much  help moving things around.  Using my walker due to pains in my adductor  muscles and in my feet.  Age is so upon me.
So hard to transfer fabric and baskets from one place to another.

I am so overwhelmed with fabrics and fabric bits and pieces and scraps...yet every little bit is precious.
I just cannot let go....
Indeed, I have ordered a trailer hitch for the hearse...

Going to the Charlotte Modern Quilt Guild Sit and Sew tomorrow.
And, Sunday, Lynsey is coming around to visit and help.
Joy all around.
Lucky Grandma O'Quilts!!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You are indeed blessed with helpers in your apartment as well as wonderful groups to go to visit and be engaged with. Have fun with Lynsey!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Just keep moving! Moving less costs more in pain and stiffness. Wonderful shelving and quilts! I am so thrilled you have true friends who help.

gasuski said...

I love all the activity that you get to do. I have a CPAC machine - I love it and hate it but I am not tired during the day so it is worth it. Keep sewing; I am doing a lot of hand stitching. Please watch "Rachel Quilts", she is a delight.

Peacemeal said...

Just "tripped" onto your blog and "catching up". I'm right with you on the age level and by goodness not giving up - can't - I have too much fabric! My Mom used to say "...not till you clean your room" - well I got these Ikea shelves too - son in law nailed it to the wall to make sure it didn't fall on me. Just the right depth! Will enjoy "catching up" to your blog. Chicago, ILL