I am continuing to sew for fun, mindlessly in between visits to my mother. The latest relaxation comes from
Fairy Face Designs. There are a number of tutorials out there for this, but I happened upon this one and went for it. She used facecloths from IKEA..which I would have liked for the bright colors. But I was too lazy to drive up there and went to Marshals instead. There I found nice pastel colors in pink, blue and yellow, 8 facecloths for $3.99. You could of course use terrycloth yardage, but this was very convenient for me.

I washed and dried the facecloths. Then squared them up by cutting off the binding edges. I put right sides together with a pretty piece of fabric, left about 3 or 4 inches open for turning, turned, pressed and top stitched, using the walking foot. The Fairy Face post did a zigzag, but I preferred a topstitch, once along the very edge to secure the opening and once more 1/2 inch in for both accent and durability. I have been going nuts with these..enjoying the process. A few tied nicely with a bow is a good present for a baby. I bought a stack of each color, I think it is 50 cents for each facecloth. (Sherry?)
On another subject, I was comparing notes with
Rayna about Parkinson's in the family...ugh ugh ugh...she had this site on one of her posts that just delighted me...made me laugh out loud...I needed that.
Margaret and Helen. I added it right away to my Google Reader as I love to laugh. It is political, so if you are not a Democrat..you would want to skip it. Otherwise...laugh on my friends and thank you Rayna for everything.