This small lap quilt is 36 by 51 inches. I made it during a difficult time that I am still recuperating from....a concussion...I have named this quilt, "Scrambled" or My Concussion Quilt.. We had put a chair lift into our home for my mother with Parkinson's Disease. She was never able to use it, but I like to take up the laundry with it. Five steps up, the screw came loose and I fell to the floor. I remember nothing... My husband came home from work to find me unconscious on the floor...and then the saga began...I couldn't work, multitask, sustain noise or light. I couldn't read or watch TV or listen to audio books. But, in the quiet of my room, I could sew. Four months later, I am 95% better. Every time I look at this quilt, I see my scrambled mind and the wonderful therapy of quilting and quilting friends. I see the miracle of healing and I am so grateful.

Today is the last day to enter the festival...I dropped my camera on its head and broke it...but my new I-pad to the rescue..and Sherry to teach me how..
Categories? Scrap quilt, art quilt, throw quilt
This is a kinda cool scrappy that speaks to me in a fun way. Well done.
Glad you used your quiet time to good purpose. Also glad that you are better.
Concussions are so scary - glad you are on the mend!
What a lovely way to spend your recuperation time! It's beautiful.
I'm glad you're doing so much better. And look what a wonderful quilt you have to show because of that healing! Congrats on a very cool quilt - I love it. It looks like you had fun doing it.
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