Happy Happy Birthday Dylan
Sweetheart boy is now 10!!!
Double digits...old enough to cut himself the first piece of cake.
The 27th of February is a momentous day for the O'Quilts family.
Darling Dylan was born 10 years ago.
Emily was married to Brian 5 years ago.
Mr. O'Quilts went to his last ALS clinic visit, 5 years ago.
He was dead 6 weeks later on Easter.
It is all seared into my mind forever more.
The World has changed and keeps on keeping on.
Amazon Prime... 24 soft measuring tapes for $8...WOW!!!
Starting to use them for fun ideas...Most of my friends sew...
Check out our awesome outreach.

Ellen's stunning place mats for meals on wheels.
And her husband takes brilliant pictures.
Diane Dos, below, has styled backpacks for homeless pre-schoolers
We will be putting a small quilt inside each of them....for the December holidays.
Dos adapted the pattern from Caroline at Sew Can She
See how she has serged strong and solid parts of old jeans from the Goodwill..and embellished pockets.There are about 40 of us..Making about 180...Guess it will be about 5 quilts and 5 backpacks each.
Guild Show and Tell...Linda's Improv.
A real and true friend helps poor old grandma with organization.It took us hours to just do the pinks..
I catch my breath with joy just looking at this neatness.
Thank you Linda.

Before Dylan's birthday party , my sister fixed one of
my hundred's of fat quarter drawers....I love it.
Getting along with a little help from my friends.!!!
`I am desperate for more room in this house for the important things.
You know...collections...etc..

Maybe I will ship Mr O'Quilt's 120 year old antique piano to my daughter's house, in Portland.
She is the only one who plays, now that my man is gone.
Then, Oh, then...I can buy some inexpensive IKEA furniture for the living room
It can hold the African Fabric, the batiks, the Christmas and Halloween..
It thrills my heart just to think of the possibility
Now...on to Friday...It is evidently "normal", whatever that is...to feel in grief, that you have no friends. Your loss is just too much. Now, I can celebrate the gifts of friendship as they come.
Found this on my front porch after my afternoon nap....Love..
What cheers me more...this tiny 3 month white sweater with an Irish lamb..
Like new at a consignment store today.
Losing a Spouse is Tough on the Brain
Which is partly why, my focus is so off....
Actually...way way off....
Happy birthday to Dylan!
Love your measuring tape bracelets! Very fun! Amazon is full of amazing deals. It can be dangerous!
Your organized pinks are lovely!
There's a lot going on here Diane!! First up is a Happy Birthday wish for Dylan, placemats - love all the colour,
I love the idea of backpacks being made foe homeless pre-schoolers but saddened that this is happening in this day and age.
On to fabric - gorgeous organisation of the pinks - would she like to come along and sort mine???? You'll have to post p,ics when you possibly have brand new Ikea furniture holding more fabric!
Happy Birthday Dylan and Happy sewing and crafting fun days to you dearest Grandma O'Quilts. Always busy making and busy! So wonderful and most of it for others! Gorgeous piano, darling bracelets and wonderful finds abound. Happy Leap Day whether we can leap or not. We're still here, still blogging and still sewing. So ok, I just wadded up my unhappy with it project and put it away. I'll think of some way to make it better...another day! 🌻🌱🌻
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