Sunday, July 2, 2023

At the edge of the cliff....still hanging on...

My first purple Clematis at my new place...Planted by my friend EJ.  A big cheer up for me today.

I like to have lots of potholders on hand to celebrate here with friends.
Because I am having surgery Wednesday morning...I only made two...Love them hanging on my blinds.
My sister's gift to me today....She refolded my messy shelves....Isn't that nice...and really,  if  you want to know, it calmed my mind.  My mind is crazy.  It goes all night and all day long. It never calms and it never stops.  I really do not know if it is tired at 75....I am tired, I know that!!
The grands came by to visit celebrate with me Evan's 18th bday.  I love that boy so  much
He came with  his wild and sassy 14 year old sister,  his  bro Dylan at 13 and 5 year old Ava.
Me, of course at 75..I used to be wild and sassy like Lynsey...those times are so gone.

While they were here....Dylan asked me if I would like him to make some bobbins for me.  WOW!!
I used to use that as consequences for poor behavior when he lived with me.  He is the only one who remembers how....He also gives me the best ever hugs.  Will he  change at 14 like the other did????  I guess time will tell.

In the mail yesterday came more fat quarters from the dollar store...Ellen, my dear friend, thank you so very much....and thank  you for offering to help me on are the best!!

Mary Jerz has quilted some of my quilt tops. I need some help cutting off the batting so I do not have to do that with my sore arm.

I love all of my blogger friends as well as my locals...
Mucho thanks for your support xoxo


Rosa said...

What a lovely photo of you with your grandchildren!

You are a survivor, lady! You've got this operation in the bag.

Be well!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love seeing you with your grandchildren, a good looking crew.
You will do fine on Wednesday. Don't overthink it. I'm glad your daughter is coming in to help you afterwards. My daughter did that for me too, from NC to IL for 10 days and then I rode back with her to NC for a week (2018).

shoshu said...

we're all here behind you, waiting to hear the good news that you're on the other and prayer, shoshana

Linda Swanekamp said...

Diane, we are praying for your surgery and recovery. I had an out of town emergency to travel and take care of the 1 yr. old granddaughter while the 5 yr. old was rushed to a distant hospital for emergency surgery. All the prayers I requested were answered as the diagnosis changed from neurological trauma to broken femur. I am grateful as you will be also.