Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

 With great relief, I am reporting that I am better.  Today marks the end of week two post surgery. I woke up with joy!!!  Today I had no pain and only a bit of lightheadedness and fatigue...Today, I sewed for the first time since..... I made a binding and more:  A great day!

In a crazy moment yesterday, I gave an inopportune "lecture" to my neighbor.   Actually I gave two of them...all totally not my business...Dear, dear me.  Above is the apology note I made for him.
Flowers from my friend, Susan...perfect yellow cheer.
Tonight I cut out several bowl cozies with my great electric Accucutter..
I had lunch with friends, took two walks and was oh, so grateful.  I had dinner with other friends...lucky me.

Below is one more picture of our Aoife who turns 3 this Saturday.  Last night she sang the happy birthday song to me.!!!  My daughter believes in using quilts.  This lovely soft one patch, I bought from a guild friend who had died.  Emily took it home and decided it was a perfect picnic quilt...

Thank you all for your support..xo
I was almost afraid to post about this great day.....I do not want to jinx tomorrow.
Did I mention gratitude?? 


Linda Swanekamp said...

Yay! So glad you are feeling better. Don't get crazy and do too much or not do what the medical people said. Step by step. Lovely photos. Tell your neighbor it was the meds talking. Keep sewing!

shoshu said...

thank you for the update, i didn't want to write and bother you. so glad you've turned the corner. onwards and upwards

Mystic Quilter said...

Quick change from my last post comment - so good to hear you are now feeling much better and no pain!!! Good girl for taking the walks, I must follow your example and get in my walking again.
What a treasure little Aoife is and a great photo of her on the quilt.