Sunday, July 9, 2023

Delighting in the Good Stuff

Thank God!! and Thanks to my village......Alive and well here in the Carolinas...trauma behind me.
Thank  you my friends for all your kindness and support.  Seems like Grandma O'Quilts has come sailing through another storm, or two.  So grateful. 

 It was 5 hours under anesthesia with two surgeries finished. Something with the anesthesia kept me in  the hospital overnight...I assume that is what is making me a bit lightheaded now when I get  up. Hard to walk with abdominal cuts...but for sure....all  is good...all is better than good. No more treatment needed said the doctors.  Everything went on time, like clockwork! So happy it is over. At least recovery is not bringing fear with it. !!!  My daughter goes back to the west coast today.  Safe travel..pls God. My sister back to work.  As life goes on.
Oh, to be forty and oh, to be seventy five and alive!!
Here: my Good Vibes quilting group  enjoying quilts and friends at the yearly quilt festival in Sister's, Oregon.

There is nothing I like better than hanging with family and friends,  sewing and chatting...such a comfy feeling.
Emily worked on my Mother's Day gift while she was here, helping me with the surgery beautiful. I can carry it while using a cane...

Sally's great sense of humor to cheer my  pain away.
Jelly beans
Family treat, my view from the door.
Mary Lou, my new cousin in Washington state shows off her canned cherries...WOW...Am I ever impressed.  She grows potatoes too and flowers........
Honestly, it is an absolute miracle to have two different doctors doing two different robotic surgeries together, all done, in one day...I am amazed.
Since I have the energy to post,  here is more:
Flowers made by my friend Shoshana in Israel..xo
Cards of faith and prayer from my doctor's children.
Prayers and love and cards and flowers...
I am one lucky Grandma O'Quilts


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I knew you would come through it OK!! Glad no more treatment is necessary. Take care of yourself.

Linda, The Vintage Turtle said...

So glad that your surgery went well and no further treatments are needed. Glad that your daughter was with you. And by the way she is so beautiful. Let the healing begin and God bless you. Take care.

shoshu said...

soooo glad you're home and healing! no onward and upward, who knows whats coming next. aren't you curious?

Linda Swanekamp said...

I am relieved at your surgery being over and a success. Now you can focus on getting stronger. It is great that you have so much support.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Such happy news and your daughter was there. I am glad the surgery went well.