Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Holding on by a String, or Two

Our Aoife turned 3 on July 22nd...Here she is in  her bed with her new birthday friends.  Big teddy from Ireland and foxes, made by her ma!!
Aoife's favorite present, a rubber camera that actually takes pictures.
Her birthday dress:  Liberty of London, made by her mother.
YUP, this is the very same daughter of mine who, on leaving for college, exclaimed that she never wanted to see a sewing machine again..!!!  Ha!  Two weeks later, she called me for a sewing machine to make pillows for her apartment.  Now my Emily, is quite an accomplished dressmaker and quilter...a mother's pride!!!
Carrying on through this crazy recovery process with potholders...OMG
I have spent a lifetime with people, listening to their sadness, etc.  As I struggle for friendships here, I find that people only want my friendship if I am upbeat and fun to be around.  Every stressor brings back all the other grief. So, my guess is that I am hard to be around for some.  It is so disappointing.  
ALS stole my man, leaving a hole forever empty.
Veggie haul from my girl's garden plot.
A joyful sight.

Bed here, waiting for the morning light.
Thank God, Pearl  is dead.  Surely hope  her sister does not show  up.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you find the good true friends that you need there, ones that listen and enjoy being with you at any time, sad or happy. The rest are just acquaintances that you can greet and occasionally mingle with.

Aoife is so pretty in her Liberty of London dress and lucky to have a talented mother and a talented grandmother to shower her with wonderful creations.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Sometimes people are unsure how to help. I tend not to speak in case I offend or make things worse.
Everything I think of saying sounds like a cliche.
Take extra care of yourself.
I love that Liberty dress.

Mystic Quilter said...

I can only second the words from Wanda here Diane. We do meet some people in our life who seem to be continually "upbeat and fun" but there will be others and real friendships can take time. Hang in there!