Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Just Go Sew....again...

In the spirit of the season, I am finishing up these two placemats...
...donations to Friendship Trays.
Ingredients:  Twelve inch orphan block, borders, backing and quilting.
Fun and stress free.  Done in a jiffy.
 Next up:  Envelope making with templates from The Paper Source
Trace the template on old maps, wrapping paper, card stock, etc.
The small zippy purses fit this size. I send them to friends in need of cheer.
 A grand finish here: 66 hand warmers for teachers at the holidays.
Some one I know, former teacher..insists hands get cold on the playground in the winter.
A great tute from Bee In My Bonnet
These are hot/cold items..The nurse can use them cold for boo-boos!
Making for 33 school staff for one in each pocket.
I went through 25 pounds of white
 By my side at the sewing machine...the little basket made from Mr. O'Quilt's sport jacket.
Resting on the bowl he made in his workshop.
Love still guides me.
 From my studio window..Zoe protecting me from the deer and squirrels.
The roller coaster ended well tonight. 
 Evan finally able to keep food down after 4 days sick with a bug.   
Who would have guessed that I would be spending my retirement hosing down vomit on a child's quilt...
.One more price of love.
Grandma here, feeling more herself, with a bit of Ibuprofen, was able to go to Guild meeting. 
With all our family drama, I have not been in two years.
.  It was good to see friends again and to sign up for a few workshops in the spring. 
 Jane Sassaman is coming to Charlotte.
I lasted only 45 minutes, but it was a grand time, getting out and feel a tiny bit normal.
Dreaded time coming up with Mr. O'Quilt's birthday on the 7th, seven months a widow on the 14th ... then...Thanksgiving.
Thank all of you for walking beside me during this time.


Unknown said...

I was so thrilled to see you tonight. Small steps! Look forward to another workshop with you soon!

ES said...

Lovely placemats! You're in my thoughts xx

Connie said...

Love, love, love the view from your studio.
Enjoy your workshops :)
Connie :)

Carol Swift said...

Sweet gifts of love in those hand warmers! You've got such a beautiful view out your window and thankfully your pup is keeping you safe. I've hosed a few quilts off from my grandsons, too...I thought I was done with those days! Loving thoughts and hugs for you as you face your husband's birthday and the holidays.

http://thankfullga447 said...

The teachers and everyone will love your gifts. Glad you went to guild and thank you for taking care of your grandkids. So much love you give them. Life doesn't turn out the way we thought it would. I love how you are keeping yourself so busy - but do take time for self and take a nap.

smazoochie said...

You are such a jewel, making all those gifts for eberyone you know. And the little envelopes as well!
The milestones will never be easy, the first ones the worst. But I am glad you are getting out with old friends & making plans for Spring workshops -- in spite of the vomit. I hope all are feeling better & that Grandma stays well herself.