Have you ever seen a first grade turkey play???
Oh,no...potholders needed for our favorite school chef..
Action in the studio...

He is a Nascar fan...I had to order on Equilter...with their huge postage fee.
I could not find it elsewhere...Even though NC is Nascar headquarters!!!
I am backing his potholders with this.
The fruit and veggie mess from the potholder sweat shop.
Almost done...
Oh,no...potholders needed for our favorite school chef..
Action in the studio...
He is a Nascar fan...I had to order on Equilter...with their huge postage fee.
I could not find it elsewhere...Even though NC is Nascar headquarters!!!
I am backing his potholders with this.
The fruit and veggie mess from the potholder sweat shop.
Almost done...
My son called today all sweet and nice.
He is furious that I would think he had any part in our robbery..
Maybe he is right...and maybe he is not.
I am closing this post on a potholder note!!!
He is furious that I would think he had any part in our robbery..
Maybe he is right...and maybe he is not.
I am closing this post on a potholder note!!!
Look at all that novelty food fabric you have!! Cute pot holders. I hope for a nice Thanksgiving for you and the kids :)
Yay for potholders!! You make the best ones and people can never have too many.
Your pot holder is excellent, you always do that little bit extra, like finding the right backing fabric. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Big sigh. Bigger hug.
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