Saturday, November 28, 2020
Family Gratitude
Monday, November 23, 2020
Never Did Like a Rollercoaster!!!!
Kids going nuts to keep this old tree. Their memories, that first Christmas I had guardianship of them
The tree only halfway lights...bottom half...It is now yellow and not white. It stands in the middle of the living room forlorn, but well loved. There is no room for it due to Lynsey's school room, moved downstairs due to remote schooling
I had to order another bargain online..
Tomorrow there will be tears as they cling to everything.
Even cleaning their rooms...they send a suitcase or two to their mother's house filled with things they cannot bear to give to the Goodwill.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
How my Heart Beats
Saturday, November 21, 2020
The New Zoom Life
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
So, This is the Life
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Finding Joy

Sunday, November 15, 2020
Change is Good , You Go First!!
Wear a mask, social distance, wipe down your cart, sanitize your hands when you leave and wash them good when you get home. Also, try to go at off hours.
Kathylynn treated her self to a precious present...: Her name is Saoirse (Sur-sha) Irish of course!!
Now, she is 10 weeks old. Congrats Kathylynn...
Outside relaxed. The stunning weather reminds me of winter, growing up in Phoenix, Arizona. Of course cacti instead of leaves, but still. I wanted to capture the moment of peace, the merry little breezes, the crisp and welcome feeling of the moment...I wanted to put it in a jar for the sad times...Alas, the sky changed. The greys changed color, the clouds moved more rapidly. The day dimmed with a colder gust and a darker hue..
Yesterday was the day that I signed guardianship of my 15 1/2 year old grandson back to his parents. I have raised him for 8 years. He is living with his mother for now. She is doing a good job during this difficult Covid time and remote learning , caring for him This change was difficult for me.
This change is the right thing. It was time and Evan is thrilled.
Change is everywhere! As in a no sewing weekend OMG.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
It is Something We Get Through
Covid, etc, asked me to post this song:
I am so trying to stay sane..We had awful tropical storm rains and flooding today.
Another is on its way..30 hurricanes in one year?? Oh, it is 2020.