Sunday, November 14, 2021



About 30 years ago, I took  this picture of my children in matching outfits I had made for them.
How grateful I am for the gift of adopting them as infants. Up the hills, down the hills, I would not have missed this ride for the world xo

The pencil pouch obsession continues to rattle me.
Tonight I finished three of them.  I have Sherry's directions in my phone and had to look at it for each pouch...jeeze!!!  The corners are the best I can do evidently.  I tried the zipper end covers and they did not work well for me either...Come on Grandma....these are just pencil pouches!!!


Aoife's daddy made this climbing toy for her.  It also has a slide to attach.
She clearly loves it.!

Today, my foot and knee commanded that I only rest.  Do they not know that I am a Sagittarius????
A fire sign that cannot be still.. I had no choice, but to listen.  I read and worked on the ongoing teacher pencil pouches!! AND napped like an old lady.....

I used to work with folks in grief...until my own grief smacked me on the head 1,000  times at once.
It is easy to make slips, I so still do it...but, now I try harder to think of  the bereaved and how we all grieve differently
There are so many articles on this now, because our culture is big on telling others the parameters of their own feelings.  Exploring other options is always a great thing.  Really, it is not just me on my high horse.  We all do this to some extent thinking it is being helpful and to protect ourselves from what we struggle to handle.   Unfortunately,  it causes further grief. 

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