Thursday, November 18, 2021

News we can Use

A big hello from our side of town!!!

Our very very very favorite musician. (thx Margaret for the heads up)

A big Thank You to Vickie for our holiday elves party.
with my favorite shortbread cookies.
and Wonderful friends!!! be the best!!

This is a selfie....wahoo..We old folks sure are smart!
Linda and Kathy, the holiday elves...OMG, today was fun.

Today was so lovely in the Carolina's  70 degrees F and sunny.
It actually looks like I might be able to get a new car that I do not have to worry about starting!!!
Thanks to a friend or two having my back.

Lovely visits from the above elves today.
Kids  mostly behaved....mostly.
My sister agreed to be in charge of organizing our Thanksgiving dinner...yeah!

Linda made a little mug rug for me from Denise Schmidt scraps..
Aoife  finds a big leaf in Portland.

Today, I was somehow able to start accepting life on life's terms and find joy anyway.
Wow???  Who is that?   Start, I said, start!!!!  
This way, I just might be grown up in the next 4 weeks 'til my birthday...Maybe.....?
Cleaning lady coming tomorrow, lunch out, Good Vibes retreat on Zoom.

Looks like I may not die of a sprained ankle! after all!!!
Lynsey's eggplant parmesan.

Two good days in a row and tons of supportive friends...xoxo
Planning on sweet dreams tonight!!


Mystic Quilter said...

Good to read that you had a great party time and I hope all goes well with the prospect of a new car. More yummy food I see, eggplant and parmesan such a delicious mix.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Growing up is hard to do. Accepting our expectations won't be met is not easy. I still would love to live in a barn with my studio, but it is not happening. Your friends love to help you and see you blossom.

Shelina said...

we've had snow already so I am jealous of your 70 degrees. Acceptance is a hard thing to learn, but it does make life easier.

http://thankfullga447 said...

So glad your sister is doing Thanksgiving. We are have a small thanksgiving but next weekend the whole family is meetings at Wichita, KS
in a hotel to do an early Christmas. Glad things are looking up - you have the best elves.