Monday, April 10, 2023

My Favorite Things: Quilting and Grandchildren

My neighbor here is nuts about rubber ducks.  She has them in her garden and on her porch.  She even has masks on some of them.  Her birthday is next week.  Here is her  birthday potholder.  Fabric from Heather, from Marie and from  Singapore!!!
Sharing my orange fabric organization...finally!
The two and a half year old beauty queen in Portland on Easter.
All the others at the beach with their mother.  Good thing she did not listen to me and stay home because it was too much for a mother to take 6 kids to the beach....
Like I said before, she is 38 and I am 75.
Now if I were an old grandmother...I might say OMG
Now, I am an old grandmother and  I say OMG
Adolescence almost over here as Evan turns 18 in June and his best friend Jake is already 19

A marvelous day  today.  My second quilting group at my new place.  It was quilting show and tell without a quilt. EG: purses, bags, clever items, wheelchair seating covers...I loved it and met new friends.
I took my six min walk  on the cane tonight, chanting  "Diane be a big girl, be a big girl" I was.

My computer keyboard was such a messy disaster.  My new one came today.  Security agreed to come over and hook it up.  He is so nice, but God help me he is already  married with a one year old and he is only 21. I told him to choose a potholder.  He was so happy, he said he lives with his grandma and she would love the potholder...connection...that;s what it is all about...human connection.

I have finished rebinding the suede purse I made from my husband's jacket.  
There was a nasty spot on it.  In my group this morning, a member told me to dab Blue Dawn on it and let it set.  I did and it all came out.  I am thrilled.

Tomorrow a plant friend I have known forever is coming for looking forward to it.

And, new pix are posted where the quilts were hanging last month...There is an event, "Meet the Artist"  with wine and cheese in tomorrow's late afternoon.   I loved it when it happened in March for the quilters.  The month of April brings paintings that are stunning...All the work is by folks who live here.

I am kind of getting to like having "good days" .  That is why I share it document for myself that indeed it is possible.

1 comment:

Mystic Quilter said...

So pleased you did share with us Diane! I'm wishing you many, many more happy days, lots of friends, attending events in your complex and of course more sewing!