Thursday, April 6, 2023


Today's diary entry:
Woke up crabby and went to the pool for the cure!!
Exercised with 5, 90 year olds and totally kept up!!!
My lovely Hyacinth drooped...Fixed with forks...Voila!!
To celebrate buying a new apt in Matthews Glen, we were all given I-pads.  I got mine today, 8 months late, however still grateful.  It is an Apple, but I do not know which version and, this one has a real keyboard....Hmmmm...a mystery .  I cannot get a pretty cover if I remain clueless.

Of course, I deal with the doldrums by sewing.  The greatest part is fondling pretty fabric.
These are work.  On Etsy, I see them sold for $6 or 7$$  Hmmm  I do not know if they are made with Wrap and Zap, if it is doubled or what.....I make mine for gifts and do it right.

 Out of  nowhere came melancholy today . It probably has no connection to anything but life stages.  

After  so much joy and few tears, Today I realized that there is no more Thanksgiving /Easter dinners at Grandma's house where the family gathers.  My "matriarchal" head of household  role is now defunct and I am the last/ oldest of my family.  I am now, the "Ad-on" if I am lucky. My DIL and the grands live in a place without a walker ramp.  I know I am in the right place for me. Guess I am grieving a bit.. Surely nothing to do with the 8 year anniversary in 8 days of losing my wonderful that monster, ALS.  Certainly I am not the only one my age with this feeling...And, I do know, that like the weather, eventually every cloud runs out of rain.

I wish I could have lunch with my son...but, unfortunately, he is already out to lunch. Lucky me has a wonderful daughter who is coming to visit in two weeks..(alone)

Finally, it has come to pass that I am able to be grateful for the life I have been given, instead of looking around the corner to see what other's have...

Maybe malaise came from being totally out of Brach's original jelly beans.  I drove out to get them, but the sky opened up and rain and lightening were upon me. A message???  Sigh...


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I was a little younger than you when the holiday dinners were no longer at my house. I know the feeling. When my dad passed at age 99 the dinners were now at my son's house or a granddaughter's house. It took a few years to process that.

Mystic Quilter said...

We had the Christmas celebration meal at our house last year, perhaps that will be the last for us, time will tell I guess.