Monday, September 25, 2023


A small hand crafted Mola from Panama, bought there 50 years made into a special potholder.. Nice memories.
A funky scrap potholder.
Mrs. O'Quilts puttering in her little garden:  rootings.
Reading outside on a stunning fall day....Hello bee visiting me.
Someone is now 18....Independence is on his mind.  Rents in our area are out of control.
With his savings, he put a down payment on his first little house.
And, he got his driving home getting a bit crowded for peace and quiet.
His wonderful mother being the driving force to encourage her children on......


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Rent is out of control everywhere. Best wishes for him to succeed in life.

Linda Swanekamp said...

How terrific that he saved his money to get out the rent trap. I hope you told him how proud you are of him.

Kathy said...

Hurry for the grandson! If he allows, please show us interior shots and give dimensions of this little house. So excited for him and this big step for his life.