Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Cute Stuff and Other Stuff

 Of all the great pictures, I think this is it.  I loved them so much, I posted them both. Our three year old Aoife at the llama holiday get together.

Tonight's fun..scrappy holiday potholder.
adorable backing
My daughter had given me a bit of this cheater cloth.  Thinking it could be a quick potholder, I quilted it.  Then the  iron broke...Must be time for bed.
A walk through Trader Joe's gave me nostalgia...brussel sprouts cooked on the stem for a lovely holiday family presentation.  I love to entertain my big family...Alas, no more big family, no more big house.  A healthy change of direction for me. a bit sad, but  it is not in me any more.
Never in a million years would I have dreamed that I would lose strength in my arms.
Cutting out fabric is now difficult for me...AND, if I want to cut large strips on my cool and awesome Accuquilt electric, the dies are too heavy...
And so, with mucho dollars worth of fabric owned by me...., I had to buy these on Black Friday...a sad state of affairs.!!

A busy day for me...lovely lunch with a friend, a lovely two hour, $1000 trip to the dentist, a relaxing stroll through Trader Joe's and home to sew and putter.  Below:  dentist's holiday tree!

I must repeat over and over....I will not and do not have the energy I had when younger..
So there!!!
Carpe diem....

And here:...Mac Barnes, quilter extraordinaire, shows his update on his teaching at Quilt Con 24


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

When I thought Aoife couldn't be any cuter you post these photos! SO cute!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I am sure someone would be willing to cut fabric for you if you asked- especially in a quilt group or guild. There are a lot of members in my guild older than me and we look forward to helping our member keep sewing. Not that there is anything wrong with precuts. I would cut for scraps.

Linda, The Vintage Turtle said...

Aoife, just way too adorable with those llamas. Your potholders are so Christmas and artistic! Take care.