I cannot find my purple blocks for the challenge.
I cannot find my Denise Schmidt fabric for my Meadowland.
This is the result of my looking for the above..
The stress in my life keeps going on and on and on..
Now, it is the children's parents squabbling...jeeze.
My local support system is weak, as most folks are even more sick of listening to me,
than I am of dealing with these things.
I am working on self-care..
The exhausting physical therapy put me back in bed again Monday..
When I got up, I took myself to the Mexican restaurant where I used to take my mother.
When she was in a wheelchair, the staff would come out to the car and lift her into the wheelchair for lunch inside...
They called her "Abeulita Preciosa" The Precious Grandmother...
They called her "Abeulita Preciosa" The Precious Grandmother...
My mother was quite the charmer.
I grew up in Arizona, so Mexican food is my favorite.
I sat there for two hours by myself..breathing...eating..doing the journal thing. adding to my gratitude list, releasing ridiculous resentments...
In my heart, I know that most people do the best they can.
In my heart, I know that most people do the best they can.
My daughter has arranged a two week vacation for me in Portland, Oregon...at her house in October.
How wonderful is that!!!!!!
I cannot wait to see my Portland friends.
I cannot wait to see my Portland friends.
Hopefully, I can relax and trust that , here in Charlotte, both the parents want the best for their children...so will co-operate with each other.
School starts in two weeks. I have done the school clothes thing with Lynsey. The kid's mother is onto hair cuts and shoes for Evan..and Dylan's shoes taken care of by his father.
I have ordered the AD/HD medication for the boys, ordered the Epi-pen and school letter for it for Dylan...bees, fire ants, apples....
Thank God for Paula sending us the school supplies!!!!
The thought of Stephanie not coming back...exhausts me..
Nowadays I take several de-stressing naps per day..
pool noodle quilt basting

My girl is here now...We have eaten out.
We have fabric shopped.
We have chatted about her house.
I love my girl!!
We ordered Anna Marie Horner fabric on sale from Del Ray Fabrics.
$5 a yard.
Craft beer on sale at Eddies for $3 a bottle on Thursday nights.
Kids coming home at 10 am...manana...
On Saturday they go off camping with my girl and her man.
School starts in two weeks. I have done the school clothes thing with Lynsey. The kid's mother is onto hair cuts and shoes for Evan..and Dylan's shoes taken care of by his father.
I have ordered the AD/HD medication for the boys, ordered the Epi-pen and school letter for it for Dylan...bees, fire ants, apples....
Thank God for Paula sending us the school supplies!!!!
The thought of Stephanie not coming back...exhausts me..
Nowadays I take several de-stressing naps per day..
pool noodle quilt basting

My girl is here now...We have eaten out.
We have fabric shopped.
We have chatted about her house.
I love my girl!!
We ordered Anna Marie Horner fabric on sale from Del Ray Fabrics.
$5 a yard.
Craft beer on sale at Eddies for $3 a bottle on Thursday nights.
Kids coming home at 10 am...manana...
On Saturday they go off camping with my girl and her man.
and....I go sewing!!
PS Stephanie said she was coming back in a few...so relieved!!!
Thanks for the listen.
PS...I did find this: Baby quilt top from Anna Marie Horner fabric.
And, I found the box with my Swedish flag quilt pieces....OMG
My sewing room is always a mess, I can find things. When I organize I don't know where anything is.
I have just had aa major re-organisation of my little studio, very therapeutic. If I just had an extra two feet in length and width it would b e much easier to get around with bumping into things.
Hope things work out with your son and ex-wife, not easy for you, nor for the children but if they're going back to school pretty soon they will b e busy.
Enjoy the time with your girl, both now at your place and keep looking towards the October visit to Oregon.
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