Sunday, April 18, 2021

That Ride Called Life

from Vickie...who wants me to follow my dream.
She has sent me an XXXXL version of this 6 year old's tutu.
It is in purple, because When I Am Old I Shall Wear Purple
When I told Lynsey about it, she said that her daddy would have to get me a helmet. HA!!
I really , really want to "borrow" a grocery cart from the store, spray paint it purple, tie quilting fabric as bows and wheel it down the street in my tutu.  I just need the cart.  I so refuse a walker. And, I am too old to steal it.  Wonder who would visit me in jail??????
Vicki has tempted my creativity.  I am thinking!!!
It came today from Amazon.  I know, I will ask for the grocery cart for Mother's Day!!!
Above is my skirt...purple tulle...and projects to work on.
How do I choose.???  No wonder I have 367 unfinished quilting projects. I sat here watching a stupid movie instead and drinking wine. Just guess I will now cut out the blocks for a new project.
I love my fabric collection.

A friend said I was going to die some day.  I do not want to leave any fabric behind.  I know there is not a trailer hitch for the hearse, but I am not giving up on it.

Yesterday, the CMQG had a get together at the parking lot at St Gabes.  Fully masked, we still had a good time.  Look what Ellen was wearing...Mola sandles .  I know Molas are from Panama. Ellen bought these in Mexico!
Heather bought a new house....Look at the quilty floor she installed!!

I am reading , Eleanor in the Village 
I like this much better than the long and winded Eleanor
Her quotes:
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway".
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You are able to say to yourself, "I lived through this horror  I can take the next thing that comes along."

Evan came to stay the weekend with us for the first time since Covid.  It has been delightful.  He is now well spoken and expresses an affinity for Civics and weight lifting.  At almost 16, I will take that with pleasure.

I am having a hard time uploading my pictures to AOL...Ugh.
Tomorrow is my second cataract surgery.  I will be grateful when it is over.

Today, I had the calming pleasure of reading outside, under my tree, on a beautiful day.


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