Friday, April 2, 2021

The Duck and The Creative Process

My outing today included Staples, where they laminated my vaccine card for free!!
It is recommended that I show you the back side for security reasons!!  For me it is Pfizer with absolutely zero side effects.
It is now in my wallet with my driver's license...Good Grandma!!

Grandma O'Quilts walks like a duck.  My cataract repaired eye is still blurry.  ( common I read) It affects my already wobbly walk.  Thus...I walk like a duck. An old duck. 
Going today to Fresh Market to do my exercise while pushing a buggy.  I could only walk half the store as I lost four days exercise due to the eye thing.

However, an adorable blue eyed 16 year old boy walked me to the car.  This is my vacation as the children are with their mother.  So as cooking is not listed as part of my vacation goals  I got a few things that are financially viable for two, but not for 4...especially children who eat like crazy!!

My creative process started with with scraps leftover from my curved quilt.
They were cut into squares, made into HST (half square triangles)  HST then made into Hourglass, shown below:
I was questioning what to do with the Hourglass blocks when I found these dog blocks in a random basket.  A little rearranging gave me this look.
On my design wall that was ruined when a certain kitten (Stitch) climbed it.
When life is stressful, it is best to start creating new exciting projects!!
OK...a million of them!!

Here we have our Aoife, no longer a newborn...
I have strict instructions that if I ever ever get to meet her, I am not to give her a lollipop as I thought was my right as a grandmother!!!  Sigh!!
Oh, sweet kisses will have to do.
Aoife....Where is the infant I never met???
Who is this big 8 month old  girl??  Who??

Even though I am disappointed that my eye is still blurry, I must carry up to 30 Bicep curls with  number 6 weights...I just might order number 8!!!
Easter this year will be ignored like St Paddy's Day.  However, I am getting better and next year I am determined to do holidays again.

This shows to go you that Creative Minds are Rarely Tidy!!!
There must be a sewing machine in there somewhere!!



Linda Swanekamp said...

You don't have to worry about adding weight in the exercises, just do more reps or a few different exercises. My PT told me that. I am one month is of side effects of shot two. After writing this, taking a nap. Extreme fatigue, brain fog, and weakness are my companions after working so hard at being healthy.

Mystic Quilter said...

Nice, bright stars and I love the doggy central squares! As usual Aoife looks so happy and content, and I hope that before too long you will actually be able to meet her - without lollipops!!