Sunday, August 15, 2021

Interesting Diversions


My  bedroom is now uneven just like me.
Getting to love the freedom of this.
Christmas in August .  My two sided cutting mat.  Red and Orange.
Color and me.  We are happy, you see!!!

Present for his crisis counselor.  She likes cats and her favorite color is green.
Jar openers are Dylan's speciality!!

My new pink mouse lights up.  How cool is that?? !!
So does my new keyboard...And, they change colors....I love you Margaret!!
Boo...our other cat...always in the shadow of his gregarious older brother!!
Our scaredy cat!!

Wisdom from our friend, Fred Rogers

Yesterday's Gift

As I sit, the weeds grow over my feet 
They wedge between my toes and cover my ankles.
I do not care.  I tell myself that I have given up.

I know that if I stand, their ties will break and I might walk free.
I do not stand, I am becoming the weed.  It is now part of me.

When I sleep, the weeds wait outside....ever present.
Waiting.  They are mine.

When I sleep, the cool breeze of the open window comforts me.
The weeds do not climb to the second story room.

I have lost everything.

Everything but Choice, 2021 GDM

Now, with  gratitude to my friend, Rachel...this site, this poetry below and this poetry mood!!


Linda Swanekamp said...

Love your home photos, very cozy and colorful. Life is hard. You have to work to see the beauty as exhausting as it is, it renews us.

shoshu said...

hi there, if i want to be honest with myself, which i don't, i'm not sure i ever had anything but choice to begin with. i'll share with y ou, tears, joy or just the everyday grind. shoshana