Saturday, October 31, 2020
Happy Halloween 2020
Just a Friday of Sorts

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Me and my Friends
Sunday, October 25, 2020
OK, Then....Another Lazy Day!!!
Aoife, 3 months old..Irish white skin, bright blue eyes and two dimples
Lordy, that child is her father's girl!!!
Below...dimples on the other side of the family too
Dylan insisted I make his going back to school masks from pink monkey fabric. It is still too large and the mask pattern was a child's size. Sigh, it will fit my sister. Tonight I will make the old kind for him.....much less work. Evidently pink is in for boys. Yesterday, Evan came by in a solid matching pink shirt and shorts set. Ok, now...a it is a new day. I questioned it , then remembered....when forever I tried to get Mr. O'Quilts into different colors!!! He was totally conservative when it came to his clothes...One time I made him a purple corduroy long sleeve shirt for Christmas. It looked so professional that he did not know I had made it. He never wore it because it was purple...sigh.
I have put Dylan's two fabric choices into one mask, two sided.
This is just in case he gets into his fifth grade class
Here she is again showing her purple stockings on a cold day in Oregon.
So sorry if you are tired of pictures of Aoife. I just cannot help it...She brings me such joy.
Tonight a cold wind blows through my sewing room window. I am going to have to close it soon.
Next up, in two weeks I have an eye appointment to check out my cataracts...Jeeze Louize...I just paid a fortune a few months ago for new glasses..and I still cannot see.
Now we know the benefits of being old...Medicare...TBTG
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Excess here in paradise....Flannel. I have so much flannel. JoAnn's fabric flannel sales over the years...Mostly Black Friday deals not more than $1.49 a yard.
Someone here must have gone crazy!! What to do with the flannel and what to do with the bags? I purchased the bags during one of the big sales at Madam Sew I now have three bags filled with flannel.
What should I do? Put the bags upstairs under my bed??Put them in my son's room? Build an extension onto my house for quilting room number 5???And what to make with flannel...beside pillowcases..
Today is the day that I want to be lazy and have everyone else work.Lynsey, it is almost two in the afternoon. Why don't you get dressed and clean your room.
Dylan, are you going to play video games all day?
Grandma? What about your PT exercises and mask making?
Pass the cookies?
My sewing energy is asleep. Instead I have ordered the library book, The Great Influenza Story, by John Barry. Sitting under my tree, covered with mosquito spray, I am thinking about Cholera, Polio, Smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella and (Guinea worm disease????).
Wondering if my head has been in the sand for most of my life.
Suzette sent me a book, Thimble of Soil, A Woman's Quest for Land, Historical letters 1854 to 1860
It takes place in 1855, as folks moved from Ohio to Kansas for resettlement. Now that is a story I never experienced. It seemed that when the Ohio group did not agree with slavery while crossing Missouri, they were refused water for their families and horses. Each side was sure that theirs held the correct value. Nothing changes...people always have disagreements.. Except, things worked out better when they kept their mouth's shut.
90% of my family has now voted (except one, who promised!!) We have a small family..My bro and his wife, my sister and her two children, my own two children (Emily voted, Brian is a resident and Aoife is 3 months old.) My 3 Muldoon grands..... and me, My DIL and her husband and Ava...I am proud of my little family.
They practiced their voting privilege, that is how we make a change.
Dylan just asked me where his new mask was...hmmmm. Ok, I am on it.
Friday, October 23, 2020
Gifts of the Day
For some reason I did not get the message, that I too...would get old and wobbly, never mind, the death thing. (OMG)
Lynsey came home today after school...I had missed her so. She made cookies and cornbread for the soup. We all played canasta...too fun...a relaxing day...
Early November, after the election, Dylan goes back to school for two days a week.Four weeks later, on November 30, Lynsey whole week on and two weeks remotely. I asked Dylan to pick out some fabric for an extra mask for school This is what he brought me.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Just Go Sew
Monday, October 19, 2020
Month Eight of Covid Scare
New Beginnings