Monday, July 16, 2012

One potholder a day keeps....

All day in jammies doing nothing.  The evening motto:  one potholder a day keeps the doldrums away!

So, fine...I am obsessed.  I checked out my newest favorite link...Michigan state concussion recovery guide.  It says...that recovery is awesome up to age 40.  It says that the elderly have a longer recuperation.  I went immediately to Wikipedia for the definition of elderly...ha ha...It says that in the Western World the generally accepted age defining the elderly is 65.  TBTG  I am only 64 and a grateful for small things...very small things:)  Dodged that bullet:) ha


Bridget said...

A day in jammies sounds heavenly. And your potholders are cute!

Melissa said...

I would be the same way! Your potholders are awesome and I am hoping you feel better soon. I can imagine you're ready to be back to normal! I hope you have a good stash of m&ms and maybe a little coffe ice cream to help with healing! :)