Monday, April 9, 2012

No quilts..but oh, such a relaxing day

Today was the best day ever!!  Not a bit of stress all day long.  The first day of Spring break meant a road trip.  Poor Dylan is only two so he had to stay home.  Here the children are packing their snack boxes and Easter bunnies for the trip
Who would ever have known that before we were even out of the neighborhood, the snacks were being devoured!  
 An hour and a half later, we arrive in Columbia, South Carolina to the zoo.
 This lady feeding the fish knows each and every one of them and their special needs..who knew that??

 Evan got to do this!!!  
 Lynsey was too little for that, but she got to do this.  This ice cream is just dots...a new thing to this grandma.
 Making new friends.
 Really getting to know you...
 The best time ever!!!!
And my sister said that Grandma survived just fine...TBTG

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