Our Queen Bee Christmas luncheon.
Linda found whimsy. So brilliant!!!
It is a Swedish dishcloth...love..
It made a wonderful present!!!
Here we are laughing and talking for hours at Roosters.
Sadly two of us could not make it.

This darling from: Country Threads and Chicken Scratch
on the quit pattern "Split Squares"

Free pattern for the above. (cats not included!)
Sadly two of us could not make it.

Heather gave us potholders...She makes them differently than I do...
See the nice touch on the back..a grosgrain ribbon for hanging
And a label of her own that she printed herself.
on the quit pattern "Split Squares"

Free pattern for the above. (cats not included!)
Difficult holiday days here....However...I do want to celebrate my newfound energy,
From whence it came, I have not a clue. For the first time in forever, I did the entire weekly grocery shopping at Aldi...by myself...I was so amazed!!!! Usually I bring one of the children with me. Wow..me...Wow
Tonight Lynsey went to her therapist with her daddy. Well....I just noticed that one of my
bowls is missing...along with two hand warmers...Lynsey helped make the hand warmers.
Touching my heart that she likes the rope bowls so much that she wants everyone she likes to have one for Christmas.
When I took on this grand parenting job 6 years ago, I had forgotten about adolescent mouth...ugh...and of course pre-tween mouth...ugh!!
At 9, Dylan is the only sweetie pie.
The others "know it all"!!!!
Tuesday night was a brilliant holiday party of the CMQG..will post later
Wednesday night was Sherry's birthday party at our IQ meeting.
Today was Aldi and trying online to find a home warranty affordable to me..
My son cannot do everything...not enough hours in the day.
Tonight, I will try another type of rope bowl.
I cannot go to bed...purple calls me. I waited 2 weeks for this purple macrame rope
Look at the size difference...a mistake it was...and it was $10. I hate to waste money.
Using it anyway...but, the rope cannot go in between the beige rope, it has to
lie on top....
Lying on top means, that it does not show on the outside...I did not plan for that.
The next experiment was to wrap it around the beige...not so easy.

Done...and OK...
My friends say that even 100% cotton clothesline will not take my
awaiting blue Kool-Aid dye, because the rope will have been treated for the outside weather
and may not absorb as I wish for it to.
Some people cannot learn from the mistakes of others.
Some people have to try it all out themselves...
Guess I will deal with that another day..Bed time for this old lady.
Love the bowl! A mistake helped you get more creative with beautiful results.
I hate wasting money, too . . . but sometimes it just happens. Your time with your friends was wonderful and such sweet handmade items. They are all so inspiring.
Your bowls get lovelier and lovelier with each bowl . . . I am in awe your talent. I would like to try making one, but I'm afraid of the rope being so thick and the possibility of breaking needles. Do you have any advice on that?
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