Thursday, August 27, 2020

More on the Ms America Bit

Aoife is going to the back yard vegetable plot ...Here she is....dressed for the occasion. Her daddy is an awesome gardener....OMG...Here in Charlotte, we had two tomatoes out of 6 bushes..and nothing squash, no green peppers...etc In Portland, Brian grew huge tomatoes, planted at his veggie plot and in their back yard.  He grew so much, that they have already started to freeze tomato sauce for pasta and tomato soup.. He makes the best homemade tomato soup.. I can see that our Aoife is prepped to be a gardener as well....You go Aoife!!!!  Aoife is on the changing mat Grandma here made her.  Emily ordered it from China and it took three months to get here...When it came and I saw it was grey???  Well....I made it anyway...good me!!

Here is our Aoife on the back porch...watching the gardening...while Rosie, the dog, watches it all.

I insisted today would be a Happy Thursday...I did insist.  I found myself watching news footage of Hurricane Laura...It took me back to lying under the mattress in the hallway during Cat 5, Hurricane Andrew, in Miami.  I started to feel anxiety, so I turned off the news. 

 Now I am back from the hernia doctor, second opinion...Jeeze Louize...that is all I can say.  I am so done with doctors for awhile. Anyway I loved the new doctor.  She said I am a high risk surgery.  She is not going to do it for now...but I should be OK...She did insist on a colonoscopy...She said I am 22 years over due.  I do not want that...way too scary and I am already a mess....whine, whine...says this old lady.  I might do it anyway...sigh...I will see.  Maybe in another 22 years???.

When  I used to tell my mother that it was all too much for me and I could not do it...She would tell me that I am indeed doing it anyway and be so glad that I am able, even though it is hard...Hats off to you Mother...tonight!!  I thank you...And, as I sit up with Lynsey listening to her stressors, her worries and her fears, I remember with gratitude all the nights you stayed up, listening to me, even though you had to get up at 5 am to go to work.

When I talked about all the trauma with my mother....before she died...She told me that I would be OK..I just had to look deep inside myself for God, or whatever name I had for that....I would find the strength there...and so I have...even though many days I feel quite weak.

No sewing today, but some cutting and ironing and preparation for sewing tomorrow...Kids going to their mother's house which is good for all of us, especially in these difficult times.

Folks keep encouraging me to show pictures of I am...I need not much encouragement. I am, however, aware of grandmothers boring their friends with such..Best thing about a blog post is that people can just push delete if they are not interested.


Mystic Quilter said...

She is a cutie all dressed up for her gardening with Daddy! You do have a lot going on Diane and it is hard sometimes to cope, especially when our health is comprised - remember what Mae West said 'Old age is not for cissies' and boy was she right on the ball there. You're not a cissie you carry on regardless for your family and for yourself - keep on carrying on Diane!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You aren't boring me with photos of that cute new granddaughter. Views of new life is what we all need now.

Shelina said...

She is a cutie, and it is nice to se eher grow day by day as she learns new skills! Definitely keep the news off. I wish you strength during the colonoscopy.