Monday, August 31, 2020

For the Love of Monday


My granddarlings....5th grade and 6th grade...Love..xo
Bragging here on my easy Jeni Baker easy...

Evidently NOT so easy...My husband used to tell me that the higher the self regard, the deeper the fall.
I am leaving the above as it is for now, for humility..

.And, some math type looked at the Chicken Scrap and found a parallelogram..
Can you imagine?????  After posting this for days on end....

Perfection is so overrated!!!
Except of course...Aoife on a Monday
She is loving Mondays too.
Her daddy has his own way of entertaining himself..
Five weeks/ 9 and a half pounds.

Ha ha ha ha  Look at this, a quilting ruler on a kitchen scale...
That Aoife is going to  be some girl...oxoxox


Michele Bilyeu said...

Ah yes! The "famous parallogram"! Hmmm. I wondered if you accidentally (with great forethought and much deliberation) might also have somewhere, sometime created its corollary? I did (finally) now see it your very loverly "Amish Parallogram". If I could still think enough to piece one, perhaps I could imagine one, until then yours here must bravely stand alone. #alonetogether #covid-19 #liberatedquilting #freetheparallelogram !

VRooks said...

That math geek really could just keep her mouth shut and let your beautiful chickens roam anyway that they want to roam.

Pictures of the grands are all so appreciated!

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

That is a smart way to weigh the baby. All your granddarlings are beautiful. Your quilts are creative and show the quirkiness of their creator.