Sunday, August 27, 2023

Family Joy and Dylan's Visit

Dylan visiting his old grandmother...We love each other so...He is thirteen, starting 8th grade Monday.
He gives the best hugs and lots of them...I am so very lucky.
Lynsey and her friend just after getting their hair ready for school Monday.
Dylan made bobbins for me while we chatted.
My sewing room corner
Dylan's "motel room" when he visits...He blows up the mattress and cuddles under the sewing table, TV and all...and two fans clipped above him...He knows how to live!!!
Mommy and Ava enjoying girl time.
Marvelous tip on Instagram...putting avocados in a bowl of water in  the fridge keeps them fresh with no waste.  I tried it with 6 newly bought store avocados...All were perfect to  use, I have these two left 4 days later...
Dylan changing the wall quilt.

I so love this boy:  He is so helpful, holds the door for his grandma, makes bobbins, re-planted in the garden, changing out the wall quilts.  We went swimming and played Connect Four...had great laughs. We lifted the 5 pound kettle bell for exercise.  We shared how we miss living together.. It was so the best having him with me.  Gratitude and blessings.
I really loved my grandmother...and always wanted the chance to emulate her...Such a gift for me.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Oh, so nice to have someone who will get up there and change the wallhangings. Lots of bobbins for lots of sewing. I'm glad you got in a great visit before school started and busy times take over.

Mystic Quilter said...

Hooray for Dylan! Sounds like you both had a wonderful time together, so special.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Dylan is growing up so much! So grateful he could spend time with you. You can tell he feels comfortable and loved around you.

Linda, The Vintage Turtle said...

What an awesome relationship you have with Dylan. He seems so helpful and loving. I’m glad you enjoy visits with him. I love his sleeping quarters under your sewing table and the fans are a cute idea.