Saturday, September 26, 2020

God, Please Give me Strength....

Have a good day, love from Aoife!!! 

Harris Teeter loose tea tin....Thank you Beth!
From quilty gift wrap at least 25 years old...still wet with glue. lovely new pin tin..Once I have the second one done, I will spray them both with gloss.

Dylan's smile belies the fit he threw when asked to help his grandmother.
Mouth galore from a ten year old...After he had washed and cut the oranges, he used the new electric squeezer to juice them....He loved it after all!!  He then poured us each a glass and threw the orange peels into the woods beside our house for the deer.
Are boys and girls really that different???  I think the answer must be YES!

Dylan is 10 and Lynsey is 11...both are February birthdays, one year apart.
Last night she found this recipe online and wanted to start it at midnight...Nooooo 
This morning while I was napping, her daddy got the ingredients for her.

Lynsey is always on U-tube . Her favorite site is : Bake It
The girl got it into her head that she needed to make a cake from scratch. cream cheese frosting too.
Lynsey made an adorable short video describing her for grass, orange pumpkins and mud...sprinkles of mud!!!  I did not know how to upload it. The cake was delicious...just yummy.

Now the missy is decorating for Halloween....I am letting her go for it.
Her brother could care less...Although at 10 years old, he still wants to be sure Santa will be able to come even with the Covid...

Wondering if the below Shoo-fly....scrap could be used for the middle of a cuddle quilt???
Guess I need to make 3 more blocks....Does it look OK for kids?

I do not like the two children on so much technology.
Dylan has lost most of it for his behavior anyway.
Tonight, my son went to a meeting and out with his friends.

I googled, "What  is old age, now-a -days?"  Old in 2020 is considered at 73
Very old is considered at 80...No wonder I am exhausted.!!!

I knew it was quiet....but chose to enjoy it...Mistake....
Off of their games, they went into creative mode.  They went into the upstairs linen closet with sandwiches and chips and drinks.  They threw all the pillows and quilts and towels on the floor outside the closet so they could have more space in which to play.  They took fabric strips from my sewing room and tied all the doors together...For them, it was  a grand ol' time.  They were laughing so much.  It was almost 11 pm.  For me, not such a good time.
Instead of laughing, I almost cried.
Maybe tomorrow, I will give back all the technology just for my own sanity!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mystic Quilter said...

Definitely make more Shoo Fly blocks, three more will make a good size when bordered and you have no shortage of fabric!!