Sunday, September 20, 2020

Goodbye Sally, Hello Sunshine

Mustang Sally 

Hurricane Sally visited Charlotte..My windows were wide open to the lovely sound of rain. 

Aoife happy to be leaving Spokane to go home to Portland.

Now that she is home...she is even happier!!!  And the rains came and the smoke is way down.

Below is another example of my aged and Covid brain..
A bit of a treat for myself as my money always goes elsewhere....I ordered on Etsy some I could try Sujata Shah's work with curves......Here we go with my crazy story:
The mind goes like this:  Clouded....I grew up in Arizona...
so when I was ordering my solids on Etsy, It said in Phoenix...Oh....once it came,
I realized I had been way out to lunch....the fabric was ombre...pronounced the very same.
Instead of solids...I have a graduated color....A surprise for me and an exciting new challenge.

Thanks Peter....for sharing this poem:


Late at night you remember God's first language

is silence. The space between heart beats,

the pause before someone says, Yes,
a brief moment before ebb becomes flow.

So you say, Fine. Don’t talk to me
like God’s a stubborn ghost.

You say, I’ll hear messages
whether you speak or not.

Every closed-door signals detour,
and each broken heart demands

sitting quietly for a time.

.     .     .     .     .     .     .

From The Stumble Fields, Malaika King Albrecht. Main Street Rag Publishing Company, Charlotte, North Carolina. © 2020.

At the midnight hour ...I have finished what seems to be a bow-tie top.

Borders to go on tomorrow.  

You know, the best thing about a root canal is the wonderful feeling once it is over.  A person can quite feel alive again!!  Same with despondency ; once it lifts, the day is glorious!!

1 comment:

Mystic Quilter said...

Pleased to hear Aoife is heading home!! I've worked with ombre fabrics before and exciting things can happen Diane, I think you'll be pleased with the results. Love the Bow Tie top, lovely and bright.